Bringing Permaculture to Life in the Kitchen

Tag urban gardening

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

When I was younger I stayed as far away from Brussels sprouts as I possibly could. They freaked me out, they looked like little mini cabbages and for some reason mini vegetables were really not my thing. But recently I’ve… Continue Reading →

Adventures in Indoor Worm Composting

After I learned about the principles of Permaculture, I of course wanted to jump right in! First trouble, it was the dead of winter and nothing could grow for months. This doesn’t mean I had to wait to get started with… Continue Reading →

Carrot Muffins

We are in the middle of merging, AKA me moving in with James. During the merging of the kitchen tools, utensils and other mismatched odds and ends I got up close and personal with the new and improved pantry full… Continue Reading →

Chicken Sate

The first time I had this was from my cousin Cara, she made it for a party and I was HOOKED! I LOVE it. And by love I mean stand by the bowl at parties and take every toothpick full… Continue Reading →

Crockpot Rosemary Bread

One of my dear friends Rachael makes the most incredible Rosemary bread that I’m almost 100% sure I’m addicted to. I thought her recipe was a secret so I researched and tried several different recipes until I found this gem… Continue Reading →

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers 

I have to admit something…I’m a quinoa newbie. I like so many others had no idea that this grain existed until quite recently. So when I found a recipe that looked interesting and seemed like it would do well with… Continue Reading →

Fresh Herb Pasta Primavera

Meet Herby! Yes, Herby the herb garden. My own little section of the garden. Berries are fun and all but you can’t really cook with them (other than adding them to our delicious homemade granola. I petitioned for an herb… Continue Reading →

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