Our second Farm to Table tasting went off without a hitch! Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed our food. We hope next year we can invite even more people. We have the Farm to Table tastings to show… Continue Reading →
My goal was by the end of the summer I wanted to fill our mini freezer downstairs with things from the garden that we have harvested and frozen. So far, we are doing pretty good! I have frozen a ton… Continue Reading →
I don’t know about you but I struggle with meals in the summer sometimes. There are only so many salads one can make. It is way too hot to do anything today, especially cook. But thank goodness for air conditioning!… Continue Reading →
Seedling season has started! Or at least if you live in the Northeast. Many seeds we purchased say to start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Several places I’ve looked online have said that the last frost date for… Continue Reading →
I’ve been wanting to make this dish for awhile, ever since I had it at an Indian restaurant where I used to live in Bloomfield. I must admit though that when I looked up the recipe I was a tad… Continue Reading →
Pizza is pretty versatile and easy. We bought some fresh goat cheese at the Winter Farmer’s market the other weekend and I just had to use it. We also bought a HUGE yellow onion so I wanted to use it… Continue Reading →
If you are in need of a quick meal this is my go to. I cook dinner a lot for the kids that I nanny and this was something I whipped up one night. We brought our basil inside and… Continue Reading →
To this day I have never had a Fish Taco at a restaurant. The idea always sort of baffled me, fish…in a taco. I don’t know why, the idea is just strange to me. Anyway, Jim went to Chicago for… Continue Reading →
This seems like a no brainer but this “salad” is one of my absolute favorites. When you use fresh, well made ingredients the flavor is absolutely amazing. I figured as we say goodbye to summer (even though it’s been 70… Continue Reading →
I knew when I first made the eggplant meatballs I knew I wanted to make my own marinara to serve with them. Jim isn’t a huge fan of tomatoes but fortunately he’s a fan of me, and I LOVE tomatoes…. Continue Reading →
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