Bringing Permaculture to Life in the Kitchen

Tag suburban permaculture

Split and Transplant Perennials

Spring is a good time to be splitting and transplanting perennials that have made it through winter to give them more space to grow and expand the spread of your gardens. Certain perennials have multiple uses and can be used… Continue Reading →

Getting Started: Transforming Grass into Gardens

There are a few different ways to create gardens where you have grass. This video shows one of the most labor intensive ways, but also gets things done in a shorter timeframe than spreading a tarp and tilling, and takes… Continue Reading →

Early Spring Garden Bed Preparation and Planting

It is the first week of spring, late March here in the garden. In the fall we prepped the garden beds by keeping them covered in straw, planted over 100 garlic bulbs in late fall, and have spent time in… Continue Reading →

Garden Failures

Got back from vacation and had our biggest harvest ever! We pulled 24 lbs out of the garden today, more than half as tomatoes. But of course I’m focusing on the failures we’ve had in the past few weeks. As beginners… Continue Reading →

Chickens: Week 3 (Puberty Isn’t Pretty)

Our little teenagers are growing fast and let me tell you, chick puberty is not pretty. They are all wings, bald spots and disproportionate limbs. Their wings are growing fast, and they exercise them daily. Flying is the new favorite… Continue Reading →

Starting your Suburban Permaculture Project

So you’ve heard a little bit about permaculture and maybe have seen a few passionate people working on projects or advocating for permaculture, and you’re considering a project of your own. The good news is, the only things you need to… Continue Reading →

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

When I was younger I stayed as far away from Brussels sprouts as I possibly could. They freaked me out, they looked like little mini cabbages and for some reason mini vegetables were really not my thing. But recently I’ve… Continue Reading →

Carrot Muffins

We are in the middle of merging, AKA me moving in with James. During the merging of the kitchen tools, utensils and other mismatched odds and ends I got up close and personal with the new and improved pantry full… Continue Reading →

Fresh Herb Pasta Primavera

Meet Herby! Yes, Herby the herb garden. My own little section of the garden. Berries are fun and all but you can’t really cook with them (other than adding them to our delicious homemade granola. I petitioned for an herb… Continue Reading →

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