Bringing Permaculture to Life in the Kitchen

Tag permaculture

Brand New Blueberry Transplants

If you’ve been following us you might know we had four blueberry bushes planted behind our brand new Chicken Coop (you might have read about them in Our Harvest Report  or Granola with fresh berries). Two of which we acquired from… Continue Reading →

Welcome Ziggy!

Ok, so “Getting a Dog” was no where on Jim’s five year plan. It’s also probably not listed anywhere in the Beginners Guide to Permaculture, or Backyard Edible Gardens 101. But lets be honest, how could you resist this face?!… Continue Reading →

Finished Chicken Coop

We are quite excited to have the chicken coop and run finished, and have our chickens out in the fresh air and sunlight. The total costs for the coop construction came in around $1,000. It will take a few years of… Continue Reading →

Sides and Roof Up!

We’ll look back on the first weekend of April and remember the kindness of our friend Elise who helped us, the feeling of accomplishment, the raising of a new structure and the absolutely bitter wind that permeated every single layer… Continue Reading →

Chickens Week 6 (Cooped Up)

They are officially in the coop! This is a big deal people, like a BIG deal. My basement was smelling pretty darn rank and there was a fine layer of dust and down on literally EVERY SINGLE surface in that… Continue Reading →

Chickens: Week 5 (Lockdown)

Lockdown at the Penitentiary. We’ve had a couple “Code Reds” occur and it seems like every time it’s Chicken Parm testing his her(?) boundaries. Earlier this week James ventured down and found a trail of droppings all leading to Chicken… Continue Reading →

Planting Begins

The planting has officially begun. This is such a difference between last year. Last year everything was pushed back several months due to waiting for the trees to be taken down. We were too far into the seasons to start… Continue Reading →

Starting Seedlings

Seedling season has started! Or at least if you live in the Northeast. Many seeds we purchased say to start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Several places I’ve looked online have said that the last frost date for… Continue Reading →

Chickens: Week 2 (Rooster in the Hen House?)

The girls are growing so fast! And “girls” might be incorrect. I have a sneaking suspicion that we have a rooster in our mix. Omelet, who we have reported on before might not be who we thought she is. According… Continue Reading →

Breaking Ground: Coop Progress Post 1

Spring is officially here! We’ve been very busy these past couple of weeks. Most exciting of all is breaking ground on the chicken coop! The coop will be built behind the garage where there once was a raised garden bed… Continue Reading →

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