If you’ve been following us you might know we had four blueberry bushes planted behind our brand new Chicken Coop (you might have read about them in Our Harvest Report or Granola with fresh berries). Two of which we acquired from… Continue Reading →
The seedlings have gotten so big! Its incredible how much they have grown. Although I guess it’s not, because they are plants and that’s what they do. I guess the incredible thing is that I have yet to kill one…. Continue Reading →
They are officially in the coop! This is a big deal people, like a BIG deal. My basement was smelling pretty darn rank and there was a fine layer of dust and down on literally EVERY SINGLE surface in that… Continue Reading →
Seedling season has started! Or at least if you live in the Northeast. Many seeds we purchased say to start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Several places I’ve looked online have said that the last frost date for… Continue Reading →
It’s easy to look up ‘what is permaculture?’ in a simple Google search. It’s easy to read the description and that’s that. But what it means to you is the most important, what is Permaculture to YOU? The Permaculture design… Continue Reading →
So you’ve heard a little bit about permaculture and maybe have seen a few passionate people working on projects or advocating for permaculture, and you’re considering a project of your own. The good news is, the only things you need to… Continue Reading →
I love Lo Mein but I hate that every time I get it from my local Chinese place it’s dripping in oil, I always get a stomach ache. So I was so excited to try and make my own Lo… Continue Reading →
The first time I had this was from my cousin Cara, she made it for a party and I was HOOKED! I LOVE it. And by love I mean stand by the bowl at parties and take every toothpick full… Continue Reading →
I made this for my client as a special dinner request. I didn’t get to try it, but it smelled AMAZING. So naturally I wanted to try and make it when I got home. Mornings at Jim’s house usually consist… Continue Reading →
Rosemary and potatoes are just meant to be together. I don’t know what it is about them. The sweetness of the rosemary goes so well with the starchy potatoes and the smell of them is so unbelievable intoxicating. It smells… Continue Reading →
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