More Brussels Sprouts…this time with squash! Half the time I create or find new recipes and go out and buy the ingredients I need, the other half of the time I try and create recipes with the things we already… Continue Reading →
This recipe came about after we found a bag of frozen shrimp in the fridge and since we couldn’t identify if it was ours, ex-roomate’s or current roomate’s we decided to claim them. It’s a great mix of sour and… Continue Reading →
I made a ton of cookies for Christmas. These cookies I accidentally stumbled across. Cookies are a great party addition mainly because you can re-use them at other parties if there are leftovers. As you may know Jim and I… Continue Reading →
My sister made this delicious dish for her Thanksgiving and sent me this recipe from Running on Veggies, one of her favorite blogs and of course since I’m still obsessing over Brussels Sprouts, I just had to make it. I followed… Continue Reading →
When I was younger I stayed as far away from Brussels sprouts as I possibly could. They freaked me out, they looked like little mini cabbages and for some reason mini vegetables were really not my thing. But recently I’ve… Continue Reading →
We are getting chickens soon and I, for one, am super excited! I’m also not overly thinking about how we still need to build a chicken coop and order them and raise them and learn how to raise them, that’s… Continue Reading →
To this day I have never had a Fish Taco at a restaurant. The idea always sort of baffled me, fish…in a taco. I don’t know why, the idea is just strange to me. Anyway, Jim went to Chicago for… Continue Reading →
I love Lo Mein but I hate that every time I get it from my local Chinese place it’s dripping in oil, I always get a stomach ache. So I was so excited to try and make my own Lo… Continue Reading →
Need a quick and easy holiday party appetizer? Even if you’re not a huge fan of spicy foods like me, there are great uses for having some jalapenos growing right outside in the garden (we froze ours since we have so… Continue Reading →
As you know, we were up to our eyeballs in eggplants. So naturally I took to Pinterest and other online sources to find some diverse eggplant dishes. This one intrigued me. It had the eggplant, eggs (which we eat lots… Continue Reading →
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