Bringing Permaculture to Life in the Kitchen

Tag backyard permaculture

Chickens Week 6 (Cooped Up)

They are officially in the coop! This is a big deal people, like a BIG deal. My basement was smelling pretty darn rank and there was a fine layer of dust and down on literally EVERY SINGLE surface in that… Continue Reading →

Chickens: Week 5 (Lockdown)

Lockdown at the Penitentiary. We’ve had a couple “Code Reds” occur and it seems like every time it’s Chicken Parm testing his her(?) boundaries. Earlier this week James ventured down and found a trail of droppings all leading to Chicken… Continue Reading →

We Built a Floor!

In all our research of chicken coops and how to build them we found very little information on how to build your standard run-of-the-mill “shed style” coop. We found lots of cute little backyard coops(like these fabulously chic coops on… Continue Reading →

Chickens: Week 3 (Puberty Isn’t Pretty)

Our little teenagers are growing fast and let me tell you, chick puberty is not pretty. They are all wings, bald spots and disproportionate limbs. Their wings are growing fast, and they exercise them daily. Flying is the new favorite… Continue Reading →

Chickens: Week 2 (Rooster in the Hen House?)

The girls are growing so fast! And “girls” might be incorrect. I have a sneaking suspicion that we have a rooster in our mix. Omelet, who we have reported on before might not be who we thought she is. According… Continue Reading →

Breaking Ground: Coop Progress Post 1

Spring is officially here! We’ve been very busy these past couple of weeks. Most exciting of all is breaking ground on the chicken coop! The coop will be built behind the garage where there once was a raised garden bed… Continue Reading →

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