Tobacco Netting. Why the heck is it so hard to find? If you aren’t familiar with the area we are in we are nicely situated near some really great farming area in northern CT, mostly tobacco farms. Our blueberries that… Continue Reading →
In all our research of chicken coops and how to build them we found very little information on how to build your standard run-of-the-mill “shed style” coop. We found lots of cute little backyard coops(like these fabulously chic coops on… Continue Reading →
The girls are growing so fast! And “girls” might be incorrect. I have a sneaking suspicion that we have a rooster in our mix. Omelet, who we have reported on before might not be who we thought she is. According… Continue Reading →
It has been absolutely enthralling watching these little fluff balls grow over this past week. They are nearly double in size and almost have full feather wings. When they first came they were all fluff with no coordination and little… Continue Reading →
Chickens should be here this week! Yesterday we spent a good amount of time at the barn picking the brains of Dan and Becky at Green Acres Farm, our chicken experts, and then getting supplies at Tractor and Supply Company… Continue Reading →
Our chicken have been ordered! I’m SO excited. They’ll be here the first week of March and we will keep them inside until late spring. As soon as it is 50 or warmer at night or earlier with a heat… Continue Reading →
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