Bringing Permaculture to Life in the Kitchen

Author Jenny Moriarty

Jenny is Jim's wife, an actual mom to a human, a cat mom, chicken wrangler, kitchen crusader and professional mess maker. She is CEO of animal husbandry in the Moriarty household, Chief Household Organizer and Head Mom to the most amazing little boy. She is a graduate in creative writing from the University of Hartford. Jenny looks forward to experimenting with new recipes and sharing her thoughts as a newbie in the world of Permaculture.

Kitchen Overhaul

As some of you may know we’ve had a very busy last few months. In a little over two months we completely redid our whole kitchen, from the floor up (or should I say ground up). Jim has owned his… Continue Reading →

Sides and Roof Up!

We’ll look back on the first weekend of April and remember the kindness of our friend Elise who helped us, the feeling of accomplishment, the raising of a new structure and the absolutely bitter wind that permeated every single layer… Continue Reading →

Vegetarian Roasted Chickpea Gyros

This week I unintentionally planned all vegetarian meals. We’ll see how it goes, we’re only one day in. While I love vegetarian meals both Jim and I usually find ourselves hungry a couple hours after the meal. So with all… Continue Reading →

The Art of Food

When James one day remarked that he wish he didn’t ever have to eat because he considered it a nuisance I almost ended our relationship right then and there. His comment actually made my chest hurt with pity and shock…. Continue Reading →

Seedling Update

The seedlings have gotten so big! Its incredible how much they have grown. Although I guess it’s not, because they are plants and that’s what they do. I guess the incredible thing is that I have yet to kill one…. Continue Reading →

Chickens Week 6 (Cooped Up)

They are officially in the coop! This is a big deal people, like a BIG deal. My basement was smelling pretty darn rank and there was a fine layer of dust and down on literally EVERY SINGLE surface in that… Continue Reading →

Chickens: Week 5 (Lockdown)

Lockdown at the Penitentiary. We’ve had a couple “Code Reds” occur and it seems like every time it’s Chicken Parm testing his her(?) boundaries. Earlier this week James ventured down and found a trail of droppings all leading to Chicken… Continue Reading →

Chickens: Week 4 (New Decor)

According to the McMurray Hatchery blog week 4 is where things start to change. According to us, each weekend has been a flurry of feathers and makeshift contraptions to try and keep them contained. So I don’t know Mcmurray hatchery,… Continue Reading →

We Built a Wall! (Before we built the floor)

When we broke ground on the chicken coop we realized that the foundation for the back of the garage wasn’t fully formed, it didn’t reach down to the wall as it should. So in order to build the coop behind… Continue Reading →

We Built a Floor!

In all our research of chicken coops and how to build them we found very little information on how to build your standard run-of-the-mill “shed style” coop. We found lots of cute little backyard coops(like these fabulously chic coops on… Continue Reading →

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