Oh My Goodness. Where does time go?
Boy did the month of September and October fly by! Granted, we had three weddings, ten chickens, two kittens and one very needy dog to handle. Along with new jobs, lots of business traveling, an engagement and again, three very needy animals.

Ziggy is still adjusting to his new status
The garden is winding down, or should I say, is down. We had a surprise day of snow last week and along with the previous week’s frost everything curled up and retreated inside, as did we. I rediscovered our wood burning fireplace (not without some unfortunate smoke inhalation) and we tackled cleaning out the garage which included moving the gardening equipment to the back (sigh.)

They have the whole, curl up and get warm thing down
Jim and I have been existing as ships passing in the night these past several weeks. Since we have the animals to look after we have been switching off days of travel. He will be gone Monday through Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning, I’ll be gone Wednesday afternoon to Sunday. Our schedules have made cooking healthy meals with things from the garden pretty difficult, I will say though that I haven’t actually been to the grocery store in a couple weeks. When I do get the chance to cook I have been using all things from the garden or things that have already been in the fridge.
Stay tuned for the recipes I came up with along with some efforts to conserve what’s left of the garden.
Thank you to all for the constant support!
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