The seedlings have gotten so big! Its incredible how much they have grown. Although I guess it’s not, because they are plants and that’s what they do. I guess the incredible thing is that I have yet to kill one. Not one!
Ok phew, that was close. I even have transplanted a couple double seeded and those haven’t died either so yay! Every morning I use my sprayer to thoroughly soak the seedlings. If it is warm out and the sun is shining I transport all of them upstairs to our all seasons porch. It has windows that can be shut so it retains all the nice warmth the sun generates. It’s like our own little greenhouse! The seedlings love it! They sometimes get a bit dry out there so when I do put them out there I give them a spray before I go to bed as well. I believe they not only benefit from the sun, but from the warmth and air flow. I think some of them have developed a bit of green stuff on the tops of their soil due to lack of air flow.
I can’t wait to put them in the ground. The beds are prepped and looking great. May can’t come sooner!
Notes from the Farmer
It’s amazing how much life wants to just thrive. Just make sure you don’t do anything crazy wrong, and let time and biology do their work. Seedlings are the time when the plants need the most love. Partly because they aren’t outside and getting the natural rhythms of sun, water, temperature, and humidity. The reason to start with seedlings is to get a jumpstart on the season. You can extend the growing season by 4 weeks by starting indoors before the last frost. Once transplanted outside they’ll have even more chance to do well.
I was too curious to not purchase these things I saw at Tractor Supply Company called Cow Pots which are recycled material and compost compressed into pots into which you can start your own seedlings in and instead of prying them out of the plastic pots you can just plant them straight into the ground. Overall, I’m not impressed. The seedlings in them are sad and although they sprouted they haven’t grown and some have even lost leaves. I’ve watered them exactly the same as their plastic seated counterparts and for some reason are just not doing well at all. I’ve used the same seeds as I did in the plastic Jiffy trays too, so I don’t believe it is a seed problem. I just don’t know. My theory is that the pot itself soaks up a good amount of water so it detracts from the plant. I also think it doesn’t allow the plant to drain so while on one hand it soaks up the water away from the plant, it also gives the plant wet feet and over saturates it’s roots. So, not recommended. I think they are headed to the compost pile soon.

Sad little cow pot plants