They are officially in the coop! This is a big deal people, like a BIG deal. My basement was smelling pretty darn rank and there was a fine layer of dust and down on literally EVERY SINGLE surface in that side of the basement. That’s what people don’t tell you, they grow big, they grow fast and in the process of growing they poop like crazy and spread dust and shed their baby fluff everywhere. So take note, if you’re raising baby chicks heads up, they turn into smelly teenagers pretty darn fast.
Boy was I ready last Sunday. We spent the weekend prepping the inside of the coop. The outside still needs some more help. The whole outside needs a second coat of milk-chocolaty brown (NOT poop brown…thank you very much Jim) , the run to be finished and more trim to be painted white. The whole underside is chicken wired in, the eves are blocked off along the outside and chicken wired along the underside for air flow, the windows sealed, shavings put down, temporary perches set up and everything checked for sharp edges/nails. We set up the food and water and used two cat carriers to transport the ladies into the coop. They settled in nicely. We use the light during the night, they have enough room so if it gets too toasty they can move 10 feet away from it. It’s there if they need it. The windows we keep open half way to get some air flowing.
By the end of the month the second coat will be on and the run to be finished. We’ll be very busy next week! I’m super excited to see what they will do in the run. I’m so excited for them to see dirt and grass. I think they’ll love it. I’m currently growing my own herbs and drying them for the nesting boxes. Anyone use nesting herbs before? I know it’s not necessary, but I’m hoping it will make for happy hens and maybe a not so stinky coop?
The herb mixture I’m going to make will contain:
Marigold Petals (insect repellent)
Spearmint (antiseptic, stress reliever and itch relief)
Catnip (Rat and insect repellent, contains Vitamins A, B1 and B2 and C)
Bay Leaves (Insect deterrent, anti-microbial and anti fungal)
Oregano (anti-parasitic and anti fungal)
Peppermint (insecticide and anti-parasitic)
Lavender (calming and insectiside)
Chamomile (calming, worm treatment)
I’m also going to try and plant some plants around the base of the run, I was thinking a mix of alfalfa, clover and flax.
Stay Tuned for our last weekly update next Friday! Check out last week’s post here
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