My go to breakfast is toast, with peanut butter, sliced bananas on top and a dash of cinnamon on top. If I’m feeling in extra need of some sweet comfort food I’ll add a drizzle of all natural honey too. To me, its the perfect mix of filling and sweet a breakfast should be. So when I found out you could make no flour pancakes with bananas I was super excited. After a few rounds of too runny vs too gloopy batter I finally came up with this perfect blend of flavors. The main flavors you get with these pancakes are peanut butter and banana. I’ve seen a couple recipes where you can add oatmeal in as well, after I try that I’ll let you know!

The pancake consistency is not going to be what you’re used to but because you used a blender they will still have some light fluffiness to them.

What I really enjoy about these pancakes is that they are so simple, there’s no flour, no milk and no sugar added. They use the natural sweetness of the fruit, the honey, nuts and spice of the cinnamon for the perfect flavor. They really highlight the fact that you don’t need added sugar to make something sweet and taste like comfort food.


4 large farm fresh eggs

2 ripe organic bananas

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

2 tbls all natural roasted peanut butter


Add all ingredients into a blender

Blend on medium-high until the mixutre has a smooth consistency

Cook like regular pancakes, you know they are ready to be flipped when lots of small bubbles appear on the surface



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