I know this is totally not related to permaculture or cooking but many people have asked about our trip and since our blog is about educating I figured this could be a quick educational post about Harry Potter World. So in case you are planning a trip and need some suggestions here you go!
We went to Orlando Sunday January the 17th to Friday the 22nd. As far as timing it was a great time to go. The weather hovered in between 53 and 68. It only rained once during the week, Friday the day we left. Otherwise it was clear skies and sunny. We wore layers (like the New Englanders we are) and were comfortable for most of the time. I even went swimming in the hotel’s heated pool. Several people asked if i was crazy but that’s pretty normal.
The timing was also great people-wise. The longest wait time we had was around 15 minutes for the Escape from Gringotts ride. We rarely waited for food and the park wasn’t very congested. We purchased three day park to park tickets. Honestly, we could have spent two days but we are two not-too-fond of rides people, anyone with children or who likes to go on rides multiple times would probably benefit from three days. As far as the ticket types, park to park was totally worth it. Its the only way you can go on the Hogwarts Express ride and for me it was my favorite ride. It was wholly immersive and very well done.
Quotes from the Farmer
The only Permaculture ties I can make here, is don’t forget to have fun and don’t take life too seriously (which can be quite difficult for me at times). Find things that you enjoy and have fun with them, and more importantly find people to enjoy it with.
I’ve been to Hogsmeade before and I loved it but my favorite part was the newer section: Diagon alley. They did an
incredible job on it, the details were amazing and I was so impressed with it. The architecture and design was beautiful, it made you not want to leave. We almost exclusively ate in Harry Potter World and both eateries (The Three Broomsticks and The Leaky Cauldron) were a great value and good food.
Diagon alley is almost entirely made up of shops so set yourself a budget!! Each shop is incredible, they are just like the movies and books. The little details make the shops that much better, make sure to look up when you’re in each shop. The worlds have interactive wands you can purchase, we didn’t get any but we had fun watching everyone have fun with them, they run around 50 dollars each.
The rides in Harry Potter world are diverse and limited at the same time. There is a small coaster called Flight of the Hypogriff which James (whose not fun of roller coasters) enjoyed. The two most popular are both 3-D interactive experiences, Escape from Gringotts and the Forbidden Journey. I get motion sickness and if you do too then I don’t suggest them. Escape from Gringotts broke down on us twice and a friend of mine who just got back from Universal recently said it broke down on her too. So heads up! They are neat rides, and very well done, just a little too disorienting for me. Waiting in line for both was my favorite part ironically. The Forbidden Journey you travel through the castle and Escape from Gringotts you travel through the bank. I do however enjoy roller coasters and the Dragon Challenge is a ton of fun! It crosses every box in my book for coasters and leaves you wanting to go on again.
Both worlds have great shows you shouldn’t miss. Hogsmeade’s Frog choir was fun and entertaining and the Triwizard show is short but interesting. I thoroughly enjoy how they have created songs and shows that compliment the world and aren’t taken right from the movies. For example, the Celestina Warbeck show in Diagon Alley was my favorite, she is an incredible singer and her backup singers are fantastic. The other show in Diagon Alley is the recreation of the Deathly Hallows story with puppets, put on by the Hogwarts Drama Club.
Everyone in the worlds are in character and are a blast to talk to. Also, make sure to see the dragon, it’s perched on top of the bank and blasts fire every half hour. You’ll notice a bunch of people stopped and staring up at it, if you’re near a half hour than get ready to see it breath fire! We tried the Butterbeer, Hot Butterbeer, Butterbeer Soft Serve, Apple Crumble Hard Ice Cream and Toffee Apple Soft Serve. Butterbeer is extremely sweet, I wish they had half sizes but worth trying, hot Butterbeer tastes like a liquid Worthers butterscotch candy and was delicious. The Apple Crumble ice cream was to die for, I wish I had gotten more! The softserve was yummy, very creamy and just had a small swirl of flavor so I would suggest hard ice cream over it.
Have fun and Happy Wizarding!!
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