Here is a step-by-step on how to make super easy, no fail gnocchi. Remember people, it doesn’t have to be pretty just yummy.

Prep Time: 30 minutes to an hour

Yield: 8-10 servings


3 Cups mashed potatoes (make sure they are very smooth)

6 cups all-purpose white flour

3 eggs


Peel, quarter and boil the potatoes. Drain them and mash the potatoes.

Mix all the ingredients together. Chill the dough for an hour.

Put a large pot of boiling, lightly salted water on the stove.

Then grab fist sized chunks and roll out the dough into a long, 1 inch high snake.

Photo Dec 12, 4 00 58 PM

Cut off 1 inch long segments, smoosh them down with the back of a fork.

Photo Dec 12, 4 02 14 PM

Then add to the pot of water.

Photo Dec 12, 4 02 34 PM

Once they float to the top use a slotted spoon to take out.

Photo Dec 12, 4 02 38 PM

Freeze or eat immediately.

Photo Dec 12, 4 02 54 PM

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