We are getting chickens soon and I, for one, am super excited! I’m also not overly thinking about how we still need to build a chicken coop and order them and raise them and learn how to raise them, that’s Jim’s job to overthink. All I keep thinking about is all the fresh eggs we’ll be getting!
Quotes From the Farmer
So chickens… I don’t even know where to begin. Keep an eye out for our 2016 process of building a coop, raising chicks, and starting to get fresh eggs.
We eat tons of eggs and one of the best things to make with eggs is quiche! I love quiche. I remember for a couple months in high school my sister went quiche crazy and we had different types of quiche for several nights a week, her favorite to make was Quiche Lorraine. It was definitely not a bad thing! Quiche is full of protein and is easy to make into your own. It’s also pretty fool proof; just make sure it’s cooked all the way through. You make it into a savory dinner food or a yummy breakfast food. I’ve made this recipe several times and it’s always come out pretty fluffy and yummy. It’s really all about the whisking. Make sure the custard you make with the eggs and milk has lots of air.
Prep Time: 20-30 minutes
Yield: 4-5 large servings or 7-8 small servings
1- 9 inch frozen pie crust
¼ C halved cherry tomatoes
¼ C cooked chicken sausage, sliced and quartered into bite sized pieces
1 ½ C grated cheddar cheese
4 eggs
1 ½ C lowfat milk
3 Tbl flour
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
1 tsp Basil
1 tsp Oregano
Preheat the oven to 375.
Cover the bottom of the pie with the cheddar, tomatoes, chicken sausage and cheese. In a medium bowl whisk the 4 eggs, add the milk and whisk again, add the flour, salt, pepper, basil and oregano whisk again. Pour the mixture over everything in the pie and sprinkle with paprika. Carefully lower the pie into the oven and CAREFULLY push the rack in.
Bake for 40-45 minutes
Make sure it’s done by doing the jiggle test, take the sides and shake it a bit. If it’s super jiggly then bake it for another 5 minutes. If it’s nice and firm then take it out and serve!
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